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This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy) provides information as to which personal data is processed by the company UAB “Energy ON” (hereinafter referred to as Company), informs for what purposes the Company process your personal data when you use corporate website (hereafter referred to as the Website), accounts on social networks (Energy-ON Facebook, Energy-ON Linkedin), informs from where the Company obtains personal data, to whom provides it and how stores it, informs what cookies are used on its Website, in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) (the “GDPR”) and the requirements for the processing of personal data established by the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as other legal acts. It also describes the fundamental rights of the Data Subject as enforced by data protection laws.

Company contacts:

Name: UAB Energy ON

Company code: 306145361
Registered office address: V. Krėvės pr. 26A-2, LT-50412 Kaunas 

The objective of the Privacy Policy – to inform about the Data Subject’s privacy protection ensured by the Company, to explain how the Company protects the Data Subject’s data and helps to understand how and to which Data Subject data is processed, what are the rights of the Data Subject and the ways in which they are implemented.

It is very important that you read the Privacy Policy carefully because, every time you visit the website owned by the Data Controller, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy. 

By submitting his/her personal data (including data directly or indirectly made available through the Website and using its services), the Data Subject agrees and does not object to the Data Controller for managing and processing them for the purposes and procedures specified in this Privacy Policy, the Data Subject’s consent and in the legislation.

Persons under the age of 18 cannot provide any personal data through the  website of the Data Controller. If you are a person below the age of 18, you must obtain the consent of your parents or other legal guardians before submitting personal information.


  • Privacy Policy – This Privacy Policy is made public on this website.

  • Personal Data – Any information relating to a natural person – a data subject known or identifiable directly or indirectly by reference to such data as a personal code, one or more physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social characteristics of a person.

  • Data Subject – A person whose Personal Data is processed for specified purposes and means. The Data Subject is also a natural person associated with the Company’s customer and/or shareholder – a legal entity, e.g. the manager, shareholder of this legal entity, etc.

  • GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

  • Data Processing – Any operation or sequence of operations performed by automated or non-automated means with Personal Data or Personal Data, such as collection, recording, sorting, organization, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, access, usage, disclosure, transfer, distribution, or otherwise making data available to be used, as well as comparison or connection with other data, restriction, erasure or destruction.

  • Data Processor – A natural or legal person who processes personal data on behalf of the data controller or at its request.

  • Data Controller – A company that defines the purposes and means of data processing.

  • Cookies – Small text files with unique identification numbers, which are transferred from  the Website to the user’s computer. Cookies can be used to identify a user by storing website settings as server-side session identifiers, or otherwise if this is possible by storing text data.

  • Web Beacons – Short paragraphs of the code that are embedded in websites or e-mails.



  • Principle of legality, honesty and transparency.  Personal data is processed lawfully, honestly and transparently.

  • Purpose limitation principle. Personal data is collected for specified, clearly defined and legitimate purposes and not processed in a way incompatible with these purposes.

  • Data quantity reduction principle.  Personal data is adequate, appropriate and only necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

  • Precision principle. Personal data shall be kept in such a form that the identity of the data subjects can be determined for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

  • Principle of limiting the term of storage. Personal data shall be kept in such a form that the identity of the data subjects can be determined for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the Personal Data is processed.

  • Principle of integrity and confidentiality. Personal Data is processed in such a way that appropriate technical or organizational measures ensure the proper security of Personal Data, including protection against unauthorized processing or processing of unauthorized data and accidental loss, destruction or damage.

  • Reporting principle.  The Data Controller is responsible for complying with the principles related to the processing of Personal Data and must be able to demonstrate compliance with it.




Personal Data is processed after obtaining it in the following ways:

  • When you submit it to us. You provide us with your Personal Data by sending us your CV, cover letters, by applying for our job advertisements on job search portals, by communicating with us by telephone, e-mail, during meetings, by providing data through social networks, by filling in the request forms, provided on our website, the data is submitted before the conclusion of the contract and during the performance of the contract, etc.

  • In some cases, we can receive information about you  (as a natural person or representatives of your company, employees, etc.) from publicly available sources, e.g. your company’s website (employees, lists of representatives), public announcements, etc.

  • When we receive data automatically. For example, when you use Website managed by us, certain information (such as the internet address (IP), the device used, the web browser used, the number of visits, the viewing of our website pages, the time spent on the website, etc.) is also automatically collected.

  • We may also receive your Personal Data from third parties, e.g. your former or existing employer or person represented by you (Personal Data from a former or existing employer as a candidate for a job is collected in the cases specified in this Privacy Policy, data is also obtained from our customer, partner, in the performance of mutual orders, contracts, etc.).

  • When your Personal Data is received from other sources (e.g. registers) for legitimate purposes in the manner prescribed by law.


We inform you that the Company processes the following Personal Data for the following purposes:

5.1. For the purpose of concluding and executing contracts with customers, suppliers, partners of the Company, i.e. in order to communicate and identify a customer, supplier or partner, process and administer orders, issue or accept accounting documents, solve related problems, fulfil all other contractual obligations of the Company and exercise its rights:

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5.2. For recruiting purposes:

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5.3. For the purpose of managing and administering social network (Facebook, Linkedin) accounts of the Company:

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5.4. For the purpose of ensuring the functionality of the website, improving the website:

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5.5. For the purpose of administering your inquiries and requests:

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5.5. For the purpose of administering your inquiries and requests:

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Personal Data may be disclosed to other parties if it is necessary for the conclusion of the contract or for the performance of the contract with the customer, or for other legitimate reasons. Information may also be provided to other parties upon your request.

We may also provide your data to data processors who provide services to us (perform work) and process your data on behalf of our Company as a Data Controller. Data Processors have the right to process Personal Data only in accordance with our instructions and only to the extent necessary for the proper performance of the contractual obligations.

Data may also be passed on to other parties when required by law or when it is necessary to protect our legitimate interests.


The Data Subject has the right:

  • Right to know about the processing of Personal Data and access to processed Personal Data. The Company, upon receiving a personal request for the processing of its Personal Data, is responsible for the processing of Personal Data related to it and provides the requested data. Such data must be provided in writing at the request of a person.

  • Right to request the correction of Personal Data. The Data Subject, having become aware of its Personal Data, and having determined that its Personal Data is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, has the right to apply to the Company for rectification of such data.

  • Right to request deletion of Personal Data. The request is executed under certain circumstances provided by the GDPR (when the Personal Data was processed illegally, the basis for the processing of the data is gone, etc.).

  • Right to restrict the processing of Personal Data. In certain cases specified in the GDPR (during the period during which the Data Subject’s request for data accuracy or the processing is being examined, etc.), the Data Subject has the right to request that the Company restricts the processing of the Personal Data of the Data Subject, except for storage (right to restrict the processing of Personal Data).

  • Right to data portability. The Data Subject has the right to request, if technically feasible, to forward Personal Data collected on the basis of consent or contract performance in a readable format to it or to request that it is forwarded to another data controller. The Data Subject has no rights to data portability in the case of personal data processed in manually-structured files.

  • Right to submit a claim. If you hold that your rights have been violated, you can contact the Company by e-mail or submit a complaint regarding the processing of Personal Data to the State Data Protection Inspectorate (address - A. Juozapavičiaus str. 6, 09310 Vilnius, e-mail

In cases where the Data Subject’s Personal Data is processed by the Company on the basis of its consent, the Data Subject has the right at any time to revoke its consent, and the processing of this consent-based data will be immediately terminated. Revoking of consent does not invalidate the lawfulness of the processing of the Data Subject data that was carried out before revoking of such consent.

In order to respond to and resolve issues related to the application of GDPR as soon as possible, we kindly ask you to contact the Company first.


A request for the exercise of the specified rights shall be submitted by the Data Subject to the Data controller, i.e. to the Company.

You can provide us with the requirements related to the realization of your rights in person by coming to the Company, by post or by electronic means (e-mail: Upon receipt of your request, we may ask you to provide proof of identity, as well as any additional information required by us for the request.

Upon receipt of your request, we will respond to you within 30 calendar days of receipt of your request and of the date of submission of all necessary documents for submission of a response.

If we consider it necessary, we will stop processing your data, except storage, until your request is resolved. If you have legally waived the given consent, we will immediately, but not later than 30 calendar days, terminate your personal data processing activities, except in cases stipulated by law, i.e. when we are obliged to continue to process your data by the legislation in force, when we are subject to legal obligations, court decisions or binding instructions from the authorities.

By refusing to comply with your request, we will clearly indicate the grounds for such refusal.



Purpose of use

Website uses Cookies and Web Beacons to give the user a more complete and personalized experience using the Website. These technologies make it easier to understand user behaviour and to facilitate the evaluation of service, advertising and search engine effectiveness, and to analyse trends and improve the quality of service provided.

Warning for the user and obtaining user consent

When you visit the Website for the first time, a banner appears at the top of the screen, warning users that the Website uses the Cookies specified in this Privacy Policy. The banner will ask you if you want more information and provide a link to this Privacy Policy. If you choose to ignore the warning and continue to use the Website, we will place the Cookie on your computer by capturing this selection and your continued browsing on the website will be deemed to be consent for the use of the Cookies. If you visit the Website in the future, the Cookie warning no longer appears on your screen, but the option to refuse cookies always exists through the browser settings.

Managing cookie settings

You can control cookies through the browser settings that you use, choosing which Cookies you want to accept and delete. You can refuse cookies at any time by deleting Cookies from your browser in which they are installed. The location of the Cookie management depends on the browser you are using. To learn more about how to manage or remove Cookies installed in your browser, visit the website of your browser or look through the brief guide for the most popular browsers here: ChromeMozillaEdgeSafariOpera.

You can also cancel your consent at any time for the use of Cookies by submitting us an e-mail request at By cancelling your consent for using Cookies, you must also delete Cookies installed in your browser.

List of cookies used on the Website

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We may update or amend this Privacy Policy at any time. Such updated or amended Privacy Policy will take effect from the date it is published on our Website.

If you join the Website after such update/amendment, you agree to the new requirements specified in the update. The update date shown at the bottom of the Privacy Policy shows the date when the Privacy Policy was last updated.

Changes to the Privacy Policy have been made and are valid from 2024. October 1.

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